Wednesday, February 3, 2010

e-Learning Coordinator newsletter

I've got a new job at school: eLearning Coordinator. I love it, I get to help people with exciting things and try new stuff in my classroom to tell everyone about.
I have people asking me questions and I wanted to find a way to share the answers. I decided to start up a fortnightly newsletter and send it via email, I sent my first issue and got some really great feedback from colleagues. I'm really inspired by the positivity and I know have the problem of keeping each issue down to one page.

So far I have the following ideas for items:

Ooooops - common mistakes
Doing this? Try this!
Twitter Gems
e-Learning Tools
Spotlight on a standard and ways to meet it
Kid quotes
Ready-to-go ICT activities
Upcoming PD
Breakfast/Afternoon Sessions
Latest gadgets and possible uses.

View my first issue here: