Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project = go!

 Wow, I had a great day today.  I secured some funding to go ahead with the "What's wrong with you?" Project! Woohoo! I've got money for ipod touches, nanos, webcams, and data loggers.  I'm pretty excited about getting started on planning...

Here is some of what I wrote in my application:

Proposed Project Overview

This project will see students investigating their own health and making comparisons to their community and with students from other communities in our cluster and across the state.  To do this students will utilise the following digital technologies:

Project Outcomes

Teachers will experiment with pedagogies, which facilitate student investigations, learning and assessment.  Using current and emerging technologies students will gather and access information to build their knowledge of human physiology.  Through collaboration and communication the students will investigate the links between health and factors such as; community, family history, access to medical facilities and education.  Assessment will be designed in negotiation by students and teachers to meet the standards found within the Curriculum Links section of this submission.

Has anyone done anything along these lines? Any advice for me? Anything ideas that could help me out??  Let me know please!

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