Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How do I do that?

Well my coach got back to me really quickly (awesome!) and he gave me some great feedback on my first item for my DPL.  He suggesed I write more about what the kids are actually doing/have done and this makes complete sense - I will fix this up.  He also asked that I write more on PV4 which is the one about ethical and safe use.  He said:

"I would also expect you to detail - PV4 further.  There is more to this than simply referencing e.g. netiquette, copyright and other ethical issues for an working online environment.  Managing a class of year 8s with laptop is a huge challenge - there are many examples of ethical behaviour to include."

Very true.  Now I have to think of how I actually manage the class.  When you've built up a classroom environment so slowly, it's hard to think back and say how you did it or how you maintain it.  I'm going to have to think about this for a couple of days and 'watch' my classroom carefully...

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